We are proud of our Trace anti-bribery certifications at OBT Shipping Group.
TRACEcertification is the only due diligence review, analysis and approval process available that allows third parties to own their verified due diligence reports. The candidate is required to complete a mandatory anti-bribery training course, adopt an anti-bribery code of conduct and update their due diligence information annually. A review that reaches completion will result in the certification of the third party by TRACE. The Certification by TRACE signifies that the candidate has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process.
TRACEcertification portable due diligence reports are packaged for the purpose of sharing verified due diligence information with an unlimited number of business partners and contain a wealth of anti-bribery compliance information establishing that an individual or organization has been thoroughly vetted, trained and certified by TRACE.